Prompt #1: I once read an anonymous poem that said something like “Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Grow your own garden.” What does this idea stir in you?
Prompt #2: Valentine’s Day is over. What lingering expectations do you need to resolve or let go of regarding love?
Prompt #3: Let the above picture take you to another world. Write a poem, play with words, write its story. Why is this garden overgrown? Is it a secret garden?
My Journal Page
Prompt #1 Response:
As a mother, a partner, a teacher, and long time people pleaser (I’m working on releasing that last one), I often forget to plant the seeds for my own garden. However, I no longer expect flowers from others. I LOVE flowers. Wild. Gifted. Arranged in fanciful or dramatic ways. I especially love the dandelion popping up in the crack of a sidewalk, proving the resilience of beauty. In response to such beauty, I vow to plant those seeds today so my garden will bloom wildly about me: colorful, supple, and stunning.