Prompt #1: Luck. Do you feel like you have luck? Or are you someone who doesn’t believe in the concept of luck? Let your pen ponder these questions and see what magic develops.
Prompt #2: You find a 4-leaf clover while hiking in the forest. Then you find a gold coin. What happens next?
Prompt #3: Use the image above to lead you to a story about surprise, or magic, or luck and fortune.
My Journal Page
Prompt #3 Response:
The above image brings me back ten plus years to the fields along Lake Michigan where soccer turfs were carved out for little cleats. Sitting along the chalked sidelines, the sun warming my tired shoulders as my hands brush over patches of clover. Soft and gentle the clover grass tickles my hand. Small little feet running past, often aimlessly about. The image brings me a sense of peace mixed with a touch of sadness, missing my children’s younger days. Luck and blessings fill my heart.