Prompt #1: Use the image above to spark a poem or poetic prose about new growth.
Prompt #2: Rising up from the cold winter’s earth. Sketch yourself in this image.
Prompt #3: Journal your thoughts about being in the spring of your life. What does this mean to you?
My Journal Page
Journal Response: Prompt #3
Arguably, I would be considered in the fall of my life’s journey if age were the metric. But I don’t feel like I’m in the sluggish autumn haze. I am in my spring. I am in a time of rebirth and immeasurable growth. My spiritual life has opened to a level that I never considered possible. By spiritual, I mean my expansion of thoughts and ideas about the workings of the world and beyond. Phrases like “Life isn’t linear” and “Past lives” don’t seem like mere phrases to be tossed about. I see clear ancestral lines of healing and grounding. I view mediation as prayer. And I listen. I see nature as more advanced than humans. And I now can love humans in their messy lives, as they are. In my new springtime, I feel like a butterfly breaking free from my chrysalis. I’m done consuming everything in sight. I’m past being so fat I can’t move. I can now fly further than ever before, reaching new heights, soaring gloriously. I’m not nearing any kind of end. I’m just getting started.