
Mother's hands holding baby's feet

Prompt #1: The month of May has many celebrations. The most popular being Mother’s Day. What does Mother’s Day mean for you?

Prompt #2: Mother Earth is a common term. The idea that the earth is supporting us like a mother is intriguing to me. In your experience do you feel the earth supports you like a mother?

Prompt #3: Define mother in your own words. Draw or sketch whatever comes to mind when you hear the words Mother Earth.

My Journal Page

Journal Response: Prompt #2.

Mother Earth, My Mother

Mother Earth deserves all the love of any woman who has given life. Like a loving mom, she has gently supported us even when we haven’t been our best. She feeds us, she clothes us, she shelters us. We may hurt her, challenge her, disagree with her, not listen to her cries— but she remains steadfast in her conviction to heal and hold and carry us —no matter.

A beautiful spring sprouting with the right balance of rain and sun and warmth. Fragrant flowers line our sidewalks, reminding us to slow down, to smile. The warm sun on our tired faces like a kiss on the head, reminding us that good things are all around us if we choose to see. A summer’s day at the beach, winter winds whipping down the ski slope, piles of colored leaves ripe for jumping in —hugs from Mother Earth, reminding us of childhood days full of hope and dreams and promise.

What better mom could there be?



