Be Mine

read gloves presenting a heart shaped snowball

Prompt #1: Love begins with the self. How good are you at loving yourself? Write yourself a love letter.

Prompt #2: List all the things you love as a spiritual activity. Connect to your higher self though love.

Prompt #3: Describe your ideal Valentine’s Day.

My Journal Page

Journal Response: Prompt #1

Loving myself. Saying nice things to myself. Caring for myself. I never learned to do this. My mother never modeled self nourishing. How does one go about changing the internal dialogue that has accompanied you your whole life?

Learning to self love must require a complete new dialogue with self.

“You’re an idiot” must become “good try”

“You’re so cringy” should become “Look how beautiful”

“You’re not enough” becomes “You are who you are and that is enough”

Not easy to do.

Dear Me,

You are so beautiful. I’m sorry I haven’t told you this before. Your heart has always been so giving and so open. You touch everyone you meet with grace and love. It’s who you are and who you’ve always been. Before the world showed you how cold it can be, you loved all things with a full heart.

I’m remembering now that little me. I was so happy just being happy. I loved playing in nature, connecting with the birds, and the trees and the squirrels. Giggling I climbed shadows left by the sun. I smiled all the time. Until I couldn’t.

I will work on remembering my happy, joyful child self. I will work on returning to her. It’s time to leave the wounded self and remember. Remember that I am whole. That I am beautiful. That I am love.


Going Within